lunes, 22 de abril de 2013


Alfa Romeo Tipo B
It is also known as P3 or Monoposto, this vehicle was born in 1932. Built to run in the Formula One season this year. It was the first car to walk the tracks of the Grand Prix. He had an eight-cylinder engine of 2.6 liters and 703 ​​kilograms and drum brakes on all four wheels, gearbox and four-speed manual; reached 232 kilometers per hour. Only 15 of these were built recently and someone who prefers to remain anonymous acquired one in five million 600 thousand dollars.

Ferrari 330 TRI / LM
The Italians built this racing model specifically to participate in the 24 Hours of Le Mans. This vehicle armed with pieces of another. Years later, the Rodriguez brothers acquired one of these vehicles with which they participated in various competitions and won victories. In 2007, Gregorio Perez Companc, considered the richest man in Argentina, have purchased a model for seven million euros.

Type 41 Bugatti Royale
In 1928, Bugatti Eottore dreamed of building a vehicle that could give competition to the luxury car brand Rolls Royce, so do not hesitate to build one of the most flattered vehicles in history. Considered as 'the car of kings' had a length of six meters, the distance between their axes was a little over four meters and weighed three tons. Its engine was 12,763 cc. and had eight-cylinder, which generated an output of 300 horsepower. Only six units were made in 1987 and one of them was auctioned for $ 700,000 eight million.

Ferrari 250 GTO
It was a sports car racing and Ferrari line, made between 1962 and 1964, considered one of the best high performance. The body was a little wider, had a hand-welded tubular frame, disc brakes and five-speed gearbox. Only 36 cars left the factory and one of them was sold in the 90s to a Japanese tycoon over 16 million euros.

And the winner is

Mercedes W196
Mercedes Benz decided in 1954 to return to racing skills and made precisely with this car, which turned out to be highly technology for its time. The design attracted a lot of attention, its aerodynamics was superior to other available on the market and the eight-cylinder engine was inclined at 37 degrees. One of these models was in a museum, which he sold some years ago to raise money and in 1990 it acquired a Frenchman for 24 million dollars, who finally ended a German ofertándolo half the price.

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